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Kowalah - Buy Better
Kowalah helps buying groups to run a great buying process, to pick the right technology vendor and to reduce the fear of messing up.
In this post I walk you through the problems Kowalah solves for buying groups and give a quick demo of the product.
6Sense Buyer Experience Report 2024
The 6Sense Buyer Experience Report surveyed over 2500 buyers and will make you rethink how you approach your go to market strategy.
In this post I pull out some of the key stats and suggest ways to revisit your top of funnel activities.
How to build and use B2B buyer personas
Companies don’t buy products, people do - and having a deep understanding of the world of each of the buyer personas that buy, use or support your product is the first step in designing personalised value propositions and messaging for them.
In this article you’ll get find a template to use as well as guidance on how RevOpsCharlieGPT can help you!
Give your SDRs a grand slam offer to give to buyers
What is the value that your SDRs are taking out to their prospects in their outreach? A webinar or product datasheet is not a valuable offer.
In this article we’ll look at what makes a valuable offer and how to arm your SDRs with something that buyers would feel stupid to say no to.
Gartner 2024 Global Software Buying Trends
Gartner’s 2024 Software Buying Trends provides valuable insight to revenue leaders as you plan your go to market strategy. Understand what buyers look for as they find and buy new software in2024.
Head of Buyer Enablement - Sample Job Description
The head of buyer enablement is a cross-functional role that maps and improves your buyer’s end to end experience from unaware to happy repeat customer.
Here’s a sample job description to give you an idea of the role.
How to write good buyer enablement questions
A great question gives more than it asks for in return.
In this article I’ll guide you through how to write great questions for your buyer enablement tool - questions increase your completion rate and provide valuable output for your buyers.
Create buyer enablement tools for buyers starting jobs
Executives spend 70% of their budgets in the first 100 days of a new job - but how can you get in front of that and build trust before they start?
Here’s a guide to building buyer enablement tools for your pre-personas - before they even start.
How to generate 20 buyer enablement ideas in 20 minutes
Buyer enablement tools must truly help your target buyer persona perform a task that they would have to do whether you and your company existed or not.
Here’s a workshop format to help you generate valuable tools that drive pipeline.
How to use buyer enablement to launch in EMEA
Scaled SaaS companies see anything from 25-50% of revenues come from international markets, and yet launching across multiple languages, cultures and regulations is tough.
Local buyer enablement tools can accelerate your progress.
Who should be responsible for buyer enablement?
Your buyer enablement strategy needs a single owner with responsibility across marketing, sales and customer success.
In this article we look at the CRO, the CMO and the VP or Revenue Operations as potential owners.
What questions should I ask my solution architect to help design my buyer enablement tool?
Your rockstar/ninja/guru solution architects and pre-sales consultants hold the key to building buyer enablement tools that really add value to your buyers.
Here’s a template with questions to uncover the goodness from your best people.
9 ways to distribute your buyer enablement tool
Don’t leave your diagnostic tool to die in the footer of your website.
Here are nine ways to take the experience of your best people out to your buyers.
LAUNCH: Buyer Enablement Platform
The buyer enablement platform is an all in one bundle to design, develop and manage your buyer enablement tool - helping SaaS CROs and revenue leaders to drive pipeline for their SDR an AE teams.
How do I generate ideas for buyer enablement tools?
Buyer enablement tools help your buyers through each stage of their buying process, yet many companies only target the end of the sales process with an ROI calculator.
In this article I’ll share my process for creating multiple buyer enablement ideas that help your buyers identify a problem with the status quo.
New: Buyer Enablement Assessment Report
Take the nine question buyer enablement assessment and immediately receive a personalised report with best practice guidance to help you build out buyer-centric content, tools and processes.
How to tell if you have a valuable buyer enablement offer
Buyer enablement offers provide value to your buyers well before they are in a position to consider your product or service.
Here’s a free tool to help you assess your current buyer enablement offers.
How I am using RevOpsCharlieGPT to build value propositions in seconds
CustomGPTs allow you to ‘program’ ChatGPT so it learns from knowledge you provide it. I’ll walk you through three ways I am using my own GPT to create buyer personas, value propositions and suggest buyer enablement tools.
5 tips for designing a Digital Sales Room program
Digital Sales Rooms help your sellers connect with your buyers.
But how do you ensure the buyer has a better experience?
Buyer Enablement Tool Creator Template
Buyer enablement tools provide valuable insight to your buyers as they complete their buying jobs.
Download my free template that will guide you through the questions required to create a valuable tool that drives pipeline.